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Stone Masters – How do I paint a kitchen countertop at home?

Many people understandably do not want to pay extra costs to replace a whole kitchen countertop. A popular alternative is to paint it instead. You don’t need a lot of complicated equipment for this process, all you need is paint, a good primer and resin. You can paint any sort of counter top but we recommend that laminate is the best material to paint as it will hold up well over time.

What do I need?


  1. Cover the Kitchen – Make sure the whole kitchen is covered apart from the countertop that you are painting to avoid the rest of the kitchen from getting dirty.
  2. Clean Countertop – Ensure that there is no dirt on the surface as this can affect the end look.
  3. Sand the worktop – Lightly rub the countertop with sandpaper to make the surface soft.
  4. Apply Primer – Make sure you check the instructions before using. Apply 2 coats of the primer.
  5. Begin painting – Only once the primer has dried, you may start painting. We recommend you paint two layers, ensure that you cover all areas of countertop..
  6. Seal the Countertop– Apply two layers of sealer.

Some people like to apply a resin topcoat at the end to help cover any scratches if needed but it’s completely up to you.

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